I was like finding ways to earn MONEY!!haha
Working part time not enough and now,i partner with my sister selling BAGS through facebook!! V^^
feel free to click on this page to view the bags..hehe..
Last week i joint the Flea Market at Straits Quay..my sis and i were selling bags there..
Yea~we sell bags through Facebook not enough,went to flea market to sell..haha..not the money problem but we try to publicize our page and gain experience..hehe..
To get everything perfect on the flea market,my sis and i really busy for the preparation..TIRED!!><
get petty cash,buy plastic bag,get table cloth.....lots of works but,worth it..hehe..we enjoyed the moment^^
We reached there at 10am..we had to walk from the car park all way long,caring boxes of bags,table and chairs by our own..straits quay did not provide us..but luckily uncle helped us up..haha!
The flea market started at 10:30am..luckily we settled down on time..hehe
Our stall appear in a reviewer's blog..haha..she came to me and ask for permission to take picture..this is the link>>she talks more about the flea market..
ignore me in the picture there..hahaha..not ready and she just captured @__@
One day business,my whole family came to support..hahaah!include my grandma,grandma,auntie,uncles and little bro..he was high-per active there..LOL..overall,we earn a bit bit..hahaha..not really much people went there coz that day rain for the whole day :( It's suppose to end at 10pm but people started to pack at 9pm!!in the end,we packed at 9:30..^^
Next,first time to be a make up model..helping up my cousin for her portfolio.Th theme was BRIDAL..and i look like fierce Bridal..don't you think??haih..look like ghost..too fair and fierce!!><
At least i gain experience la..haha..XD prefer the natural me,without make up..:D